2024-08-30 22:47:25
No Note Needed. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(14-0-26) Author
2024-08-30 22:49:09
Twitter/X was banned from Brazil following a refusal to hire a new legal representative in the country. This also stems from Elon Musk's previous refusal to act against posts spreading misinformation about far-right former president Bolsonaro's attempted couple in 2022. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(99-3-67) Author
2024-08-30 22:55:12
NNN Take it to the comments. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(12-0-28) Author
2024-08-30 23:12:47
NNN. OP is expressing an opinion. If you wish to express your opinion, do it in the comments. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-0-30) Author
2024-08-30 23:57:42
In Brazil all power already emanates from the people in accordance with its Art. 1 of the Federal Constitution. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(46-0-42) Author
2024-08-31 03:46:08
Inspired Lumber Raven forgot to mention the reason X does not have legal representatives in Brazil anymore. Please keep your propaganda out of community notes. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-1-22) Author
2024-08-31 23:19:45
Alexandre de Morais apenas exigiu o bloqueio do twitter após Elon Musk se negar a definir um representante oficial para o Twitter no Brasil. Não existe censura ou ordem neste mandado que ameace a “liberdade” do brasileiro. Art 11 da Constituição promulgada em 1988. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(16-0-5) Author