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2024-09-01 22:44:39
The individuals depicted in the video are Police Officers and National Guardsmen, both of which are non-partisan organizations. They were directed to seize firearms by New Orleans Chief of Police Eddie Compass. [Link]
2024-09-01 23:25:48
The order to confiscate firearms from civilians remaining in the area came from New Orleans Police Supt. Eddie Compass, who did not belong to any political party. (Compass left his position soon after, due to other controversies/conflict with Mayor Ray Nagin, a Democrat.) [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-09-02 14:30:20
Defunct Democrat Mayor Nagin, now in prison on corruption charges, signed the order to confiscate the guns and Democrat Senator Blanco had the ability to intervene but didn't. [Link]
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