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2024-09-01 23:25:56
There is no evidence to support the existence of chemtrails. The trails left behind by aircraft, often called contrails, are composed primarily of water vapor and tiny ice crystals formed from the exhaust of aircraft engines mixing with the cold air at high altitudes [Link] [Link]
2024-09-02 00:11:14
There is zero evidence to support the existence of chemtrails. The trails left behind by aircraft, often called contrails, are composed primarily of water vapor and tiny ice crystals formed from the exhaust of aircraft engines mixing with the cold air at high altitudes [Link] [Link]
2024-09-02 03:34:13
NNN. That jet aircraft generate condensation trails does not preclude their emitting anything else. Take it to the comments.
2024-09-02 11:59:18
Chemtrails do not exist. In reality, the trails seen behind aircraft are contrails or "condensation trails." Contrails form when the hot, humid exhaust from an aircraft engine mixes with the cooler, low-pressure air at high altitudes, causing water vapor to condense [Link] [Link]
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