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2024-09-02 17:16:32
Ricky Pearsall is alive after being shot, and was recently released from the hospital. While Elon isn’t directly claiming that Ricky Pearsall was killed, it is a confusing and potentially misleading statement to say “so many lives lost” when speaking about this story. [Link]
2024-09-02 23:19:04
"A plurality of white respondents [convicted felons] back President Donald Trump, undercutting claims that people in prison would overwhelmingly vote for Democrats." [Link]
2024-09-03 01:20:39
NNN The proposed CN belongs in the comment section. No race was mentioned in Elon's post referring to "criminals". Why does the proposed CN mentioned "white race" It is irrelevant and unhelpful to the post, hence No Note Needed. [Link]
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