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2024-09-06 19:06:44
Israel is a country. [Link] [Link] Delegitimization of Israel and encouraging Palestinian belief that Israel is a mistake of history that will eventually be 'corrected' is widely regarded as a major obstacle to peace and thus a 'Free Palestine'. [Link] [Link]
2024-09-06 21:14:13
post expresses a valid interpretation of things that have already happened. other interpretations belong in the comments
2024-09-06 22:32:49
Israel is legally a country. UN Resolution 181, passed in 1947, divided the territory of what was the British Mandate of Palestine into a Jewish State and an Arab State. Israel declared their independance in 1948 and is recognized by 164 other countries. [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-09-07 14:14:41
Pointing out that Israel is literally speaking, legally, a country is irrelevant to the clear point the post is actually making. The idea that Israel is not legitimate is an opinion, one that needs no fact checking in and of itself.
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