2024-09-03 23:32:47
The Atlantic accused Trump, without evidence, of calling fallen military heroes "losers" and "suckers". To date, none of the Atlantic's anonymous sources have come forward to verify the claim. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-4) Author
2024-09-04 00:36:10
Th evidence used to support the claim is that of the anonymous comments. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-1) Author
2024-09-04 02:28:20
The Yougov article is a polling site, and not a reliable source for a note, nor does it even support the note. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0) Author
2024-09-04 09:31:11
There is abundant evidence (video/audio) as well as first hand witnesses to support the claim. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-1) Author