2024-09-14 03:46:11
The video shown was taken well before Trump took the stage tonight in Las Vegas. If you look at the footage from when Trump was on stage, you can see that the arena is full. The OP is being deceptive in their post. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(46-0-41) Author
2024-09-14 04:30:19
The original post is talking about the small venue size. Not how full the venue is. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(32-0-18) Author
2024-09-14 15:08:53
The text of the post states that there were plenty of open seats at the venue but that was not true during the event. Any event will have empty seats before it starts. This is deliberately misleading and should have context added. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(37-0-15) Author
2024-09-14 21:09:53
According to the Event Center at World Market web site, it is the largest venue within Las Vegas with a "key note" capacity of 6148 seats. Would you book the largest site available if you're not sure you would fill it or you were looking to down size your events? [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-1-13) Author
2024-09-14 23:53:02
Trump was originally scheduled to speak in Reno, but had to move to Vega due to the fires. This is the largest venue available. When the event started, all seat available were filled. This video was hours before anyone took stage. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(21-0-9) Author