2024-09-22 21:33:57
The post tries to blame war in gaza for food shortages.in reality it's custom for muslim to line up for free food since 80% of them rely on handouts for far too long.here is a video from 2014 [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(5-0-53) Author
2024-09-22 23:11:45
NNN - keep your racism to yourself or try leaving a public comment if you stand by it so much. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-0-8) Author
2024-09-22 23:29:30
NNN - the suggested note is clearly racist / islamophobic. OP is simply expressing an opinion and the video is real. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(16-0-10) Author
2024-09-23 10:15:42
The poster doesn’t put any context into the picture and leads people to believe it is Gaza 2024 (from his previous posts). There are no evidence, links to indicate this is from the Gaza war and could easily be in another country. Proof required! [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-1-18) Author