2024-09-24 02:43:00
Dead bodies sometimes twitch [Link] As a result it’s impossible to say from a couple of simple twitches whether or not someone is alive. CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(0-0-19) Author
2024-09-24 03:10:48
NNN But do dead people suddenly start scratching their knees with their visibly moving fingers? NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(17-0-43) Author
2024-09-24 11:07:23
He's crying because he lost his house not because his kid died, there is multiple evidence of israel killing children. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(42-4-28) Author
2024-09-24 16:13:07
The man in the video is saying that his house is destroyed and he is asking for help as his son is in need of liver medicine. This is the statement he says in Arabic: “بحاجة لعلاج كبد” [Link] The man never mentioned anything on the death of his son. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(94-1-5) Author
2024-09-24 23:41:54
Arabic speaking here. He is not claiming his son is dead! The OP is totally false and misleading translation. Next time try to remove the sound to make it look genuine you sick pathetic ****. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(35-4-8) Author
2024-09-26 00:46:40
To the person who thinks that the post doesn't need a note because "the dead child moved", look over the notes and think for a while NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0) Author