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2024-09-27 08:04:54
While heart attacks and strokes have risen by 2% every year over the last two decades in the 20-30 yr range. The leading causes have been identified as being overweight, nicotine use and other substance abuse in that order. Vaccine use has not been identified as a cause. [Link] [Link]
2024-09-27 13:49:18
Some of the risk factors for stroke in younger adults are smoking, heavy drinking, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Research shows COVID-19 infection can increase the risk for heart-related problems such as myocarditis and atrial fibrillation. [Link]
2024-09-27 17:55:22
"Heart problems after COVID do happen, sometimes even in people who have mild cases. After you recover, you may be at a higher risk of a heart attack or heart failure. This is often because of inflammation from your body’s response to the COVID-19 infection." [Link]
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