2024-09-27 16:21:08
The house passed HR 2 A strong clean comprehensive border bill without tying to Ukraine or Taiwan. Schumer wouldn’t even bring it to the floor for a vote [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(3-0-36) Author
2024-09-27 16:27:22
NNN, the tweet is literally repeating what was said, OP makes no further claim. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(12-0-4) Author
2024-09-27 17:49:06
As one CN contributor failed to mention is HR 2 was not a Bipartisan Bill. The Bill authored by Republican Senator James Lankford, was A Senate Bipartisan Bill. It had the vast majority of what the GOP wanted, and it wasn't passed in the House, per the request of Donald Trump. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(21-0-4) Author