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2024-09-30 19:15:49
the notion of 'economic finality' doesn't really apply to Algorand as it's instantly final, without the possibility of reorgs, and does not use slashing. [Link] (Algorand Foundation CTO)
2024-09-30 20:20:56
Algorand blockchain does not have economic finality as it is broadly defined. There's no slashing, just instant finality made possible with VRF and multiple secret committees. Block validator becomes known only after the block has finalized, which eliminates attack vectors. [Link] [Link]
2024-09-30 20:50:53
Algorand’s instant finality ensures transactions are confirmed immediately and irreversibly, eliminating the risk of reversals. This guarantees faster, secure settlements, and provides trust in financial systems making it ideal for economic finality and decentralized finance. [Link]
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