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2024-09-30 16:35:10
This post is untrue. Trump literally said he would keep the Affordable Care Act unless he can do something better. There is video proof. [Link]
2024-09-30 18:24:27
Donald Trump has said in his speeches and rallies that he has no intention of ending the ACA until something clearly better and be made. This post is clearly a lie. [Link]
2024-09-30 19:16:59
NNN - Donald Trump is not a reliable source of information. He frequently contradicts himself to an extent where nothing he said can be considered trustworthy in regards to fact verification.
2024-09-30 19:32:44
Trump made the same promises prior to his election. In office, he undermined the ACA by cutting key subsidies. He supported efforts to repeal the ACA, including the American Health Care Act, which would have cut spending and coverage, and a skinny repeal with no replacement. [Link]
2024-10-01 05:01:24
Kinetic Wildflower Robin quotes an NYT article which includes a link to Trump telling Republicans they should “never give up” seeking to repeal Affordable Care Act. Voters can only judge Trump on his previous record of trying to end it, not on what he says to get re-elected. [Link]
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