Community Notes Viewer

Tweet related community notes

2024-10-02 19:07:27
The post serves as an undisclosed promotion for an adult service, and thus violates X's stated policies: [Link] [Link] Posters of this nature often purchase well-known accounts, as this user has done, changing their content to fake video “leaks” that solicit money and engagement. [Link]
2024-10-02 19:23:48
NNN - Cleary satirical post. User @wydshiftyy hasn’t replied to any models in the comment section making your proposed note false.
2024-10-02 20:43:21
Incorrect Proposed note. There is no way to know if this account has been purchased and used for adult service promotions. Community notes is not for speculation. If you have proof, then provide it. If not then keep opinions in the comment section.
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