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2024-10-07 22:05:09
Citing anecdotal situations that conflate multiple taxes does not counter the fact that the wealthy pay almost a 3-times rate than the middle class, and even more-so compared to the range that general includes teachers.
2024-10-07 22:19:27
The Federal Income Tax brackets are published by the federal government. [Link] In fact the more income you make, the higher your taxes are. To the note above, Buffet's assistant paid far less in capital gains taxes than Buffet himself as well. Which is a different tax.
2024-10-07 23:18:05
Harris is correct. The super wealthy derive much of their earnings from capital gains and investment, which are subject to low tax rates: [Link] [Link] E.g. Warren Buffet's total tax rate is 17.4%, while his assistant paid 35.8%: [Link] E.g. Mitt Romney's rate is 18.8% before deductions: [Link]
2024-10-08 03:33:03
NNN - original CN cites capital gains tax rates. Capital Gains tax is not income tax and not applicable to the conversation of tax brackets based on income. Earned income tax rates for buffet are the top bracket. Even cap gains tax is progressive and higher the more you earn.
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