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2024-10-11 01:57:19
Fake/Myths Removing the foreskin has nothing to do with reducing penile cancer excluding phimosis cases. Removing the foreskin deletes the immunological function that reduces STI, so it's the opposite. Smegma and UTI's can be easily prevented by doing proper cleaning. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-10-11 04:20:26
Note is misleading and the sources are not peer reviewed studies. Circumcision does reduce significantly the risk for invasive penile cancer and HIV. [Link] [Link]
2024-10-11 10:47:37
The note presenting papers indicates two issues. In cancer, the protection from circumcision seems to occur only in patients with history of phimosis. In HIV, while the foreskin may be the entry point for the virus, it may be useful in specific countries with no sex education [Link] [Link]
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