2024-10-21 01:40:35
The dogs were NOT released. They remained leashed and muzzled. Many Muslims DO believe dogs are unclean. However, "The Quran does not mention anything negative towards dogs. In fact, it’s only positive with the story of a dog who protected a youth in a cave." [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(28-3-12) Author
2024-10-21 05:19:42
A lot of Muslims consider dogs as "Naajis" and there are hadith that point out this such as [Link][Link] but with modern Islam reformists and new interpretations, it is a controversial topic. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-4) Author
2024-10-21 14:22:43
NNN, give your extract "context" in comment NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-1) Author
2024-10-21 16:15:12
The dogs were released from their kennels. Dogs are considered “non hygienic” in Islam [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0) Author