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2024-10-23 00:24:02
The user fails to remember that Kamala Harris is not the current president, she is the current vice president. This means that she does not have any control or power over the decisions that are made in the United States at this time. [Link]
2024-10-23 00:32:31
NNN. There are many people who manage to solve issues without political power. It’s fair to be skeptical of someone’s ability to solve problems when they’ve held high office, like VPOTUS, and many citizens have concerns about the direction of the country under their leadership.
2024-10-23 00:38:42
NN - The point of Community Notes is to correct what someone says or provide context for both the user and people who see the users post. The proposed note does this. The proposed NNN is completely off-topic. It doesn’t matter about skepticism or what others have done.
2024-10-23 02:17:17
NNN - indeed, leave it to the comments, as the CNer even says themselves. Post asks a question. If you have the answer to the question, answer it in the comments. [Link]
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