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2024-10-23 01:40:27
This post misleadingly refers to the event as a "great day at the range". Due to multiple safety violations, Lucas Kunce indirectly shot a reporter. Irresponsible for a Marine and candidate for office to misrepresent dangerous range practices to so many people on social media. [Link]
2024-10-23 02:24:28
NNN - It expresses a personal opinion. The note may be correct but there's a whole comment section for that.
2024-10-23 02:39:00
When shooting steel targets with a rifle, it is important to maintain a safe distance to prevent injury or death. The recommended minimum safe distance when shooting steel targets with a rifle is 100 yards. [Link] Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation Guide (PDF) [Link]
2024-10-23 15:20:17
Someone being injured, no matter how minor, is factually NOT a great day at the range. At best it was a lucky day at the range no one was seriously injured, especially due to the many unsafe firearm and range practices shown in the photo. [Link]
2024-10-23 22:39:38
When people are openly unsafe in their use of weapons notes are not the place to point out their inexperience and unsafe acts. Blast them in public where it belongs.
2024-10-23 23:35:43
This post shows two deadly mistakes the shooters are making and implying it is safe therefore a note is a good idea!. Never shoot that close with a long arm into steel and put the explosives(tanzanite) away on the table? [Link]
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