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2024-10-25 05:08:54
Currently at this time there is no evidence to suggest Elon musk communicated directly or indirectly with Putin. Starlink has been a key ally to Ukraine, and SpaceX continues to be approved for top secret U.S. Government contracts on a case by case review basis. [Link] [Link]
2024-10-25 05:24:13
NNN. Evidence is provided in the article from various individuals and organizations including “one current and one former intelligence source” that say Musk and Putin have been and are communicating this year.
2024-10-25 05:39:35
NNN: 1. The post claims the WSJ has reported something, not that the reporting is correct or incorrect. If Musk denies the claim, it may make sense to add context, but he doesn't seem to have said anything at this stage: [Link] 2. Rest of post is opinion.
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