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2024-10-27 01:13:30
The Red Cross was never given access to the interior of Auschwitz, and the "inspection" referenced is a visit by a single member who was not allowed to go any further than a meeting with the Commandant and viewing prisoners from outside the fence. [Link] The Holocaust happened. [Link]
2024-10-27 05:37:37
An out-of-context sentence from this document, stating that "one of our delegates was able to enter this camp," is used by Holocaust deniers. In fact, he only saw the SS administration part of the camp; he was nowhere near Birkenau and the extermination facilities there: [Link] [Link]
2024-10-27 06:25:33
The letter used to support the claim actually says “..there has been no further exterminations..” That in itself means the claim that there were NO exterminations at the camp is false. Plus the admission that one delegate was allowed and no claim he toured the entire camp. [Link]
2024-10-29 14:13:26
One Note links the French ICRC report "auschwitz-rapport-cicr-1944.pdf", and in this report, ICRC couldn't confirm any gas chambers, too. 'Teschen's main British confidant asked us if we knew about the "shower room". ... It was impossible to prove anything.' See [Link]
2024-10-31 21:45:50
The ICRC did not inspect Auschwitz during WWII. In 1944, they visited Theresienstadt, a "model ghetto" staged by the Nazis to mislead inspectors. After the war, the ICRC acknowledged the Holocaust’s full scale, including the mass exterminations at Auschwitz and other camps. [Link]
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