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2024-10-31 15:20:54
Israel holds approx. 20'000 Prisoners. 4000-5000 are Palestinians. Not 9000. And those People are Prisoners, not Hostages. Also have neither the AP or the WSJ ever claimed, that Israel holds 9'400 Hostages. Those Articles don't exist. It's fake news. [Link] [Link]
2024-10-31 15:54:30
An invading force such as Israel cannot take “Prisoners” from an independent country. That’s called taking Hostages, or “prisoners of war” aka war hostages. The number may be in question, but proposed note is still incorrect
2024-10-31 17:52:10
NNN - The 4000-5000 figure from Wikipedia is the number of Palestinians who have been incarcerated *since* the 2023 attack. The very same source states that, prior to the attack, there were already 4000-5000 prisoners, making the 9,400 figure closer to reality.
2024-10-31 18:49:05
NNN. Israel detains thousands of Palestinians extra judicialy, including children, and this way before the ongoing conflict. They are arrested arbitrary and held prisoners without trial. They are not accused officially of any crime. By definition, they are hostages.
2024-10-31 19:21:01
The term “hostage” means a person being held as security in order to fulfil a condition. As Israel is not using any of these prisoners for bargaining purposes, those who are incarcerated are not considered as hostages. [Link]
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