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2024-10-30 18:40:39
So wait Non citizens cannot vote [Link] [Link] Also it’s not that. They have a program that removed actually citizens. The federal judge reinstated them to be able to vote.’in turn this here was to put the program on hold until it’s settled. [Link]
2024-10-30 18:44:07
The statement of fact posted above stating “The Democratic Party was suing to allow non-citizens to vote” is false. The lawsuit is to ensure actual citizens are not accidentally removed from the registration in the process. Source: [Link]
2024-10-30 18:50:54
The lawsuit was filed by Pennsylvania's Justice Department. It was not filed to “allow non-citizens to vote”, but because the maneuver also removed legitimate voters (who made a mistake in their DMV file or became citizen since), too close from election day. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-10-30 18:59:39
There is no federal to prevent states from removing illegal voters. And when an error is identified, the constituent can cure their registration and submit a provisional ballot. [Link]
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