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2024-11-05 01:17:46
Twitch is in a major controversy as some streamers are exempt from bans despite repeated violations, including attacks on Jewish people and disabled veterans. Instead of banning these offenders, Twitch is opting to merely allow offended viewers to hide these broadcasts [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-11-05 01:43:00
Despite claiming such a tag is necessary for politically charged content, Hasan, the largest political streamer, has continued to use the "just chatting" tag with no consequence, thus casting doubt if this policy will be enforced [Link]
2024-11-05 02:43:41
NNN, the rule changes require streamers to add the political label to their streams, they do not require them to stream in the “politics” category. [Link]
Evaluate Notes