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2024-11-18 15:33:57
This post is false. For example, radical Islamist groups, including in Iraq, have beheaded people - often recording and posting such beheadings on social media - for multiple reasons not related to murders. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-11-18 16:06:48
NNN. The post is actually not false, it is factually correct that capital punishment (execution) is only reserved for the most serious crimes (i.e. murder), which music is NOT a part of. Whatever radicals do is not in line with the Quran and hence do not follow Sharia Law. [Link]
2024-11-18 17:35:28
The post is in fact, true: In 2016, ISIS executed a 15-year-old boy by beheading after he is caught listening to western music in Iraq. [Link]
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