2024-11-22 18:28:17
@AOC is Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' personal account. Her government account is @RepAOC. Blocking people on personal accounts, regardless of whether they are marked as government affiliated, is legal. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(21-0-33) Author
2024-11-22 19:47:04
@AOC has a grey checkmark meaning "This account is verified because it is a government or multilateral organization account." It is not a personal account. Personal accounts do not have grey checkmarks. Under Lindke v. Freed case law, @AOC may NOT legally block accounts. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(13-0-5) Author
2024-11-22 19:52:27
NNN This is a question that can be answered in the comments section and does not need a CN to answer it. Please stop abusing CN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-0-4) Author
2024-11-23 06:32:26
The US Courts have ruled that government officials can not block people on their official or personal social media accounts. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(3-0-0) Author