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2024-11-23 19:07:22
Many ethnic sephardic Jews are indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, in that they have been living in the region since the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in the 15th century. [Link]
2024-11-23 19:32:25
NNN That is not what indigenous means. Under that logic, descendants of European Spaniards and transatlantic slaves in the Americas would be considered indigenous. (They are both not.)
2024-11-23 19:34:04
NNN - Being expelled/migrating as a community in the 15th century somewhere else does not mean the group becomes indigenous to that other land by the classic sense we understand it. If you disagree with the definition of indigenous. Bring it to the replies. Not the notes. [Link]
2024-11-23 20:05:07
Nnn, indigeneity is not simply "being from" a place. white Brits are not indigenous. indigeneity is a relation a group of people have to a state. Israeli settlers are settlers because that is the relation they have to the Israeli state & Palestinian peoples.
2024-11-23 21:30:46
According to MW: [Link] "Indigenous derives from the Latin noun indigena (meaning "native"),..." Jews are native to the Land of Israel. The term Jews is an English version of Yehudim - a person from Judea (which is a part of Israel). Hence Jews (natives of Judea) are indigenous.
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