2024-12-02 20:36:44
The claim that the book was rushed to compete with another release is unfounded. Target’s October 15 press release announced the exclusive deal, and projects of this scale demand significant planning, making such a rush implausible. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-0-4) Author
2024-12-02 21:15:02
NNN. Original post is an opinion. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(3-0-1) Author
2024-12-03 01:55:44
The fact is Target formally announced the upcoming release of the Eras tour book with preview images for Black Friday with millions of copies published in advance and Beyonce's team has again tried recreate the ideas of Taylor Swift. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-1) Author
2024-12-03 05:51:27
NNN- it’s an opinion.. take this to the comments [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0) Author