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2024-12-12 15:17:38
While the Pound may be doing better than the Euro (possibly due to instability in Europe), the Pound is not at a peak against the Dollar. This does not necessarily mean that the Pound is being rewarded as much as it means the Euro is being punished and the Dollar rewarded. [Link] [Link]
2024-12-12 15:58:42
NNN The OP doesn't mention the dollar, just the euro, so his post is factually correct. Post in the comments about the dollar price if you want...
2024-12-13 14:17:47
Measuring one currency against another is not a factual or true indication of a currencies strength, to look at the strength of a single currency you would look at the individual currency index I.e. the DXY, or the BXY. [Link] The pound is at a 3 month low.
2024-12-13 22:22:08
The ‘trade‑weighted’ Sterling Exchange Rate Index (SERI) is the best measure of the pound's strength. The SERI was unchanged Sept-Oct 24 and fell 0.6% Oct-Nov 24. Compared to a year earlier it was 4.1% higher & 20.1% below its Jan 07 peak. [Link]
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