2024-12-13 14:16:20
Autism does exist in the Amish. A 2010 conference paper studied autism among the Amish, specifically, which shows that the disorder does exist within that community, although reporting rates may be lower. [Link][Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-3-21) Author
2024-12-13 14:47:16
NNN: The post say study showing autism rates are lower in Amish children. The proposed note asserts that autism exists in Amish children, thus adding nothing to the post. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(28-0-6) Author
2024-12-13 17:33:08
Autism does exist in the Amish. A 2010 conference paper studied autism among the Amish, specifically, which shows that the disorder does exist within that community, although reporting rates may be lower. [Link][Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-1-15) Author
2024-12-14 03:30:02
There are major inaccuracies with what RFK Jr is saying: 1) The work of Dan Olmsted was not actually a 'study', more an informal survey lacking usual rigor of studies. 2) The number of autistic children that should have existed within his sample was not ~2000, but rather ~100. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-2-14) Author