2024-12-16 16:58:36
The author presents Ireland as being more antisemitic than most other countries by referencing antisemitism in the early 20th Century, which at the time was widespread across Europe. A recent poll found that Ireland is the least anti-semitic country in the EU. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(59-0-45) Author
2024-12-16 17:19:42
NNN The Eurobarometer survey was performed in December 2018 reflecting a sample of attitudes from over 5 years ago. Notwithstanding polling issues such as responder bias, the perspectives of the Irish can change substantially in 5yrs - as shown in Dáil Éireann voting patterns. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(21-5-23) Author
2024-12-16 17:40:32
The author is claiming that Ireland is more antisemitic than other countries by referencing an event over 100 years ago, when a large number countries were more antisemitic than today. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(35-2-40) Author
2024-12-16 20:45:59
NNN - OP is writing his recounting his lived experience. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(16-0-16) Author
2024-12-16 20:52:40
This is a personal family history of an event over 100 years ago which lasted two days the people settled happily in Cork where one of their descendents became Mayor this recent research by the university of Tel Aviv shows Ireland to have extremely low rates of Antisemitism. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(56-0-27) Author
2024-12-16 23:27:27
The Limmerick Pogrom is the most recent pogrom in Western Europe besides the Nazi atrocities. Sebag Montefiore definitely has a good point. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-0-29) Author
2024-12-17 17:24:02
Simon's story is predicated upon his family history. His Grandfather left Limerick in 1904 and Simon claims that is due to Pogrom. Simon neglects to mention 2 sets of his Great Grandparents & his Great Uncle stayed in Limerick. Hardly an expulsion [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(30-0-12) Author
2024-12-17 21:40:17
NNN: Community notes isn’t for policing people’s personal family stories. If you disagree with any of his opinions, write a reply. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-11) Author