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2024-12-19 09:29:31
Female gazelles do in fact have antlers. Although, the long and thick antlers depicted by Gazelle are indicative of specifically male gazelles. [Link]
2024-12-19 09:40:57
The animated character is a Thompson's gazelle. [Link] According to the African Wildlife Foundation, female Thompson's gazelles may have "shorter, smoother, and slimmer horns than males or none at all." [Link]
2024-12-19 11:15:09
NNN Female Thomson's Gazelles have much smaller horns or no horns at all. [Link] the horns of Gazelle are clearly long and robust [Link] either Disney messed up (unlikely given their history of film research) or Gazelle is a trans Thomson's Gazelle or at least heavily female presenting
2024-12-19 13:04:36
NNN - As said, the gazelle specie has or little horns or non, Wich in this is case is neither of them, the image shows a gazelle with large and thick horns, so it could be a trans character or an androgynous one
2024-12-19 22:20:30
The community notes already address and provided proof that the false fact stated that female gazelle don't have antlers is not TRUE However they may have short horns or no horns at all so it's a 50/50 findings. [Link]
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