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2024-12-22 08:23:05
He is not shouting “Allahu Akbar.” He is shouting “Du Hurensohn,” or in English, “son of a whore,” which is a common insult in the German language. [Link]
2024-12-22 09:31:15
Translation: The police officer says "Keine Bewegung!" (don't move) and the suspect replies "Alles Klar" (I understand) [Link]
2024-12-22 16:30:36
The screams don’t come from the suspect. I’m from Germany and can clearly understand a bystander’s words „Ein Terrorist! Du H*sohn!“ [„A terrorist, you son of a b*“] The suspect calmly affirms the orders from the police officer which wants him to get down and avoid movements. [Link]
2024-12-22 17:33:42
When you zoom in on the perpetrator by the car it's very obvious he is not shouting at all. And the words that people interpret as Allah Akbar is loud and shouted, so the explanation from german speakers is correct, it's the the person standing on the side shouting. [Link]
2024-12-23 10:04:00
Regardless of what is said, the terrorist did not say it. The unpixelated video shows the terrorist speaking from 0:11 to 0:16, but his voice is clearly different from the one shouting at 0:17. And his mouth and chest aren’t even moving. [Link]
2024-12-23 10:36:59
Per previous CN: No one says Allahu Akbar. Here is what is said where people claim to hear it: Person 1 (Bystander): "Du Hurensohn!" (You son of a whore!) Person 2 (Police): "Alle!" (Everyone!) Terrorist: says nothing, which you can even *see* in unpixelated video [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
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