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2024-12-23 04:53:24
He is Defence Minister of Unfortunate Pakistan rigging election by His soldiers. These soldiers now kills Pakistani by His sweet Consent. Recently the have massacre In Capital City of Pakistan.Islamabad. [Link]
2024-12-23 05:27:38
He lost the election on February 8, 2024, yet continues to unlawfully occupy his position, allegedly through an army-backed rigging of the election, and therefore lacks the moral authority to address national issues as a defense minister. [Link]
2024-12-23 07:34:22
جواجہ آصف آج تک اسی فوج کے خلاف بکواس کرتا رہا اور ہڈیوں سے گودا تک اتارنے والی تقاریر کرتا ہے، اور آج یہ فوج کا اچھا بچہ صرف اس لیے بن بیٹھا ہے کیونکہ فوج نے ہارا ہوا الیکشن اسکو جتایا۔ [Link] [Link] [Link]
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