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2024-12-26 17:34:14
Wrong, as no distinction is made between two hand gestures! ILY (I Love You) vs. Mano Cornuta ILY Gesture 🤟: - Meaning: Expresses love or affection. [Link] Mano Cornuta🤘: - Meaning: Protection against evil, "rock on," or warning, … [Link]
2024-12-26 20:08:54
Pope Benedict's photo is fake. The hand gestures are "i love you" in sign language. [Link] The Vatican sculpture is a modern representation of the Resurrection of Christ. [Link] The sign of the Cross is Christian [Link] The upside down Cross represents St. Peter's death. [Link]
2024-12-27 13:22:37
The real meaning of the devil horns taught by Anton Lavey Who was taught By Alister Crowley Aka the beast 666. Three decades later, what some call "the devil's horns" or "sign of the horns" has morphed into the mainstream as a "peace sign", by occult stars/musicians (it's not) [Link]
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