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2024-12-27 22:28:06
No, there are no aborted human fetal cells in vaccines. Some vaccines are developed using cell lines that originated from aborted fetuses several decades ago, but the final vaccines themselves do not contain fetal cells [Link] [Link]
2024-12-27 22:39:32
No, there are no aborted human fetal cells in vaccines. Some vaccines are developed using cell lines that originated from aborted fetuses several decades ago, but the final vaccines themselves do not contain fetal cells [Link] [Link]
2024-12-27 22:45:08
No, there are no aborted human fetal cells in vaccines. Some vaccines are developed using cell lines that originated from aborted fetuses several decades ago, but the final vaccines themselves do not contain fetal cells [Link] [Link]
2024-12-27 23:04:26
NNN- 3 exact verbatim copies of the same false claim is spam/abuse of CN. The OP doesn’t say there are currently aborted fetal cells but that they were used in the development of some vaccines—echoed by the 3 spambot posts.
2024-12-28 00:50:45
Human fetal tissue and cells derived from fetal tissue are crucial for biomedical research. Fetal tissues and cells are used to study both normal development and developmental disorders. They are broadly applied in vaccine development and production. [Link] Also: [Link]
2024-12-28 00:56:05
The abusive CNs resort to straw man argumentation. While there are no aborted fetal cells IN the vaccines, the OP is not incorrect to say that the fetal cells were used in the generation of the cell lines, which is widely acknowledged publicly available information. [Link] [Link] [Link]
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