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2025-01-01 13:45:00
These pictures misrepresent what occurred, Russel Lowe was not hailing Milei a hero for his stance on the Falklands, the topic was how he has empowered Argentinian citizens, reducing the state footprint and fiscally minded. Approval of 1 topic is not approval of all. [Link]
2025-01-01 13:57:44
NNN - post is factual
2025-01-01 16:56:26
NNN - OP didn't say Lowe's reply was related to the Falklands topic. They imply that a british MP endorsing Milei is unacceptable because of his position on the Falklands, even if the endorsement is rooted on other causes, and this is personal opinion, not misleading
2025-01-02 12:38:30
Note needed. The OP is attempting to draw a false equivalency by convoluting two different subjects. We have no reason to believe this MP had any idea of Milei's stance on the falklands in fact many of Mileis statements recently have been far more subdued on the subject. [Link]
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