2025-01-08 17:56:46
The Jay inquiry into ‘Rape Gangs’ stated "Mr Starmer has striven to improve the treatment of victims of sexual assault within the criminal justice system during his term as DPP”, and the decision to prosecute these gangs was made by Nazir Afzal, who Starmer appointed. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(14-4-124) Author
2025-01-08 18:26:31
NNN - opinion/satire. Also, using the BBC as a source is like using Starmer as a source NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(59-2-11) Author
2025-01-08 18:56:01
BBC is not reliable as it's biased in favor of the government. The whole issue is about questioning the government's inability to stop and punish the grooming gangs. Also, the meme makes perfect sense. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(49-2-15) Author
2025-01-08 21:19:37
NNN. It's a meme, and this is not the UK where you go to prison for disagreeing with the government on social Media. Get over yourself. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(36-1-12) Author
2025-01-09 01:00:17
NNN. The BBC article in proposed note includes that the CPS "bear a great deal of responsibility for the failures around this issue" and "had readily admitted that victims had been let down by them". Starmer was head of the CPS so it was ultimately his responsibility. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(21-2-7) Author
2025-01-09 02:18:41
The bill "Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill" contains way more changes than the inquiry into the rape gangs, so it's not as simple as it sounds. It contains policies for things like: - Breakfast clubs and school uniforms; - Regulation of teachers; Visit [Link] and read the PDF NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-1-46) Author
2025-01-09 06:58:08
There was no vote on an inquiry. The vote was on a reasoned amendment designed to wreck the Children's wellbeing and schools bill [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(13-0-62) Author
2025-01-09 11:38:49
So sick of every post of Elons being CN’d. If you disagree with what is clearly his opinion then comment where it belongs and please stop abusing CN’s. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(26-1-6) Author
2025-01-09 14:01:22
NNN. CN is not for policing memes. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(24-0-6) Author