2025-01-10 23:23:33
While climate change may play a role. California's wildfires are driven more by poor forest management than climate change. Decades of neglect, insufficient controlled burns, and fuel buildup have worsened fire risks. Proper action is overdue. [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(57-5-14) Author
2025-01-11 05:38:32
There is no trend in rainfall in LA from 1877-present which shows no change in climate. [Link] Additionally, there are many reports of arson and indications of arson activity. [Link][Link][Link] In addition to poor forest management, DEI hiring practices, mismanagement of water resources. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(35-0-13) Author
2025-01-11 06:48:57
Homeless people are results of fires not climate change. NEXT TO AN OCEAN OF sea water.[Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-0-19) Author
2025-01-11 09:25:53
NNN - the post is making a factual statement, the other CNs on this do not provide anything that resembles an actual counter-argument. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-13) Author
2025-01-11 12:11:56
NNN - OP expresses an opinion. The existence & impact of climate change should be debated in the comments. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-8) Author
2025-01-11 14:11:43
Climate Change is inevitable, but the statistically evidence is being manipulated for transfer of power and control to the global elites. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-0-9) Author
2025-01-11 15:44:02
Every single scientific agency on Earth supports the evidence of manmade climate change: [Link][Link][Link][Link][Link] Yet for 50 years now the fossil fuel industry has attacked climate science to protect their profits, which we see in the thousands of denial replies to Bernie's post: [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-3) Author
2025-01-11 16:18:29
While climate change contributes to wildfire conditions, human activity plays a significant role. In California, people are responsible for about 95% of wildfires. In 2023, over 7,000 wildfires in California—and more than 50,000 nationwide—were caused by human action. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(20-0-4) Author