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2025-01-16 17:46:14
Trump's face is near perfectly bilateral showing only a slightly raised eyebrow. The facial "droop" paralysis that accompanies a stroke or Bell's palsy is markedly different, with clear paralysis being unilateral, with a down-turned corner of eye or mouth. [Link]
2025-01-16 18:19:04
NNN - OP states a subjective perception regarding the portrait that Notes cannot invalidate. Trump is factually the oldest incoming POTUS, and has not released comprehensive medical records to the public. His medical history is unknown to the public. [Link]
2025-01-16 19:14:54
I am not sure what photo Altruistic Sun Finfoot is looking at, but in no sense does Trump's face look symmetrical. His right (left as we look at it) cheek does appear to be sagging. Whether that is a sign of a serious issue may be debatable, but the appearance is not.
2025-01-17 14:43:24
NNN - The president-elect's face as shown in this picture is not symmetrical. Though the cause of this is not clear, it does not change the veracity of the other affirmations made by OP. His face is droopy, and we do not have access to his medical records.
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