2025-01-31 03:54:28
While the immediate impetus for codifying birthright citizenship in the Fourteenth Amendment was to ensure that the children of formerly enslaved people were recognised as citizens, the US had inherited the jus soli concept from English common law. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-0-21) Author
2025-01-31 05:12:53
This is a hotly protested topic. It has not been settled. Proposed CN should be a comment NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-0-2) Author
2025-01-31 05:22:24
NNN. It's factually correct that the 14th Amendment was meant for the freed slaves and not foreign nationals. It's only opinion that this related to British common law. The 14th Amendment explicitly states that it applies only to those subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-1-1) Author
2025-01-31 12:43:06
NNN this post is simply quoting what Trump says in the video. Debate on the truth or falsity of his remarks belongs in the comments. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-0-1) Author