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2025-02-10 12:07:40
This video is in Urdu. When translated, (CC is available) it’s clear that this man is her Doctor and he’s explaining how she chooses to wear the Niqab. [Link]
2025-02-11 07:29:58
NNN. The requirement to cover the female body in Islam is to avoid men becoming sexually excited by the female form. If the ideology requires a 7-year old be covered, then it’s because the ideology views a child’s form as sexually exciting. This implicitly condones CSE.
2025-02-12 19:48:46
''If the ideology requires a 7-year old be covered then its because the ideology views a childs form as sexually exciting'' You are an absolute retard 1. You are wrong. Prebucent kids do not require a hijab 2. In what way, does wanting a child to wear clothes = pedophilia?
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