2025-02-10 06:23:00
The figures quoted are not real and the poster is once again spreading misinformation. [Link][Link] With the correct query, the $26.9m from HHS and the $19.15m from NSF no longer appear. The total to the NYT is ~$1.6m, mostly from $638k from DoD. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-0-28) Author
2025-02-10 06:39:49
NNN The OP is stating the TOTALS paid to the NYT over a period of years. The suggested notes numbers do not even match the numbers from their own source. The waste in government spending is what the OP has addressed, and it is proven by the sources of the note, regardless. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-0-2) Author
2025-02-10 14:57:18
Note needed. NNN wrongly claims ~$1.5M cited by CN is for 1 year It is the total obligation in Jan 2020- Feb 2025: [Link] (Error adding millions of $ of 'varsity grants to NYT is now fixed) OP's claim of $40M cancelled cannot be true & this casts doubt on other claimed savings too. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-4) Author