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2024-04-26 17:20:19
The filter is obviously coming through the phone of the person filming and not through the actual screen itself. Jumbotron screens don't work online and don't connect to any third party; they project footage directly from a camera, not a phone. [Link]
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2023-11-28 15:41:44
Selling 62 bottles in 24 hours doesn't account for the fact that restocking doesn't occur within that time frame. The actual sales figure surpasses 62; that's just the snapshot of progress in a day. JCPenney themselves: [Link]
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2023-11-28 16:19:23
Nicki Minaj's child does not struggle with anything. This page is known for spreading false claims solely for engagement, all while hiding its identity behind a fake profile picture & username of a TikToker, enabling them to target the person in the photo. The real person: [Link]
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2023-11-28 22:33:35
Tina Knowles was very clearly not talking about a specific fanbase, she was addressing everyone who was claiming Beyoncé bleached her skin. This page is known for posting rage bait content. Tina Knowles own words: [Link]
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2023-12-09 12:17:16
This user's attempt at drawing a comparison lacks logical coherence as they're juxtaposing artists/albums from different genres & pinpointing the countries where each achieved the #1 spot. They conveniently dodge comparing artists/albums within the same genre. Nicki in Hip-Hop: [Link]
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2024-01-26 15:09:52
This is false. The back and forth did not start in 2022. Instead, it began in 2021, with Megan initiating the first diss, followed by Nicki's response in 'Seeing Green'. This is deliberate disinformation considering they hyped Megan's previous disses up. [Link]
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2024-01-31 13:27:10
This is a lie. Doxxing isn't illegal in all 50 states, it can be used illegally but isn't illegal on it's own. Here is a U.S. Department of Justice case that illustrates doxxing itself is not illegal, but the actions that follow it can lead to legal trouble: [Link]
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