User Enrollment: None Posted Notes:2
-NEEDS MORE RATINGS:2 Posted Ratings:139
Posted Notes
2023-11-01 21:20:13
Shes paid $120k over 10 years, a significant portion of payments went toward interest & fees rather than reducing the principal significantly. Her interest rate is high and you she’s on a repayment plan that had lower initial payments, this could easily result in the scenario. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-0) Related notes[2]
2024-06-09 04:15:01
A frying pan in the midday sun in Dubai can get much hotter than the air temp of 50°C Studies show surfaces exposed to direct sunlight can reach much higher temps. On a 50°C day, a frying pan could easily reach 70°C to 80°C or more, depending on exposure duration and conditions. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-2-1) Related notes[8]