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2023-03-07 20:11:47
"From an NBA perspective, the fact that Morant had the gun on a road trip raises questions about whose gun it was, how he got it to Denver, and more" [Link]
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2023-03-07 04:38:03
The tweet implies that Dr. Fauci, "admits” COVID-19 vaccines are not effective. The paper says “SARS-CoV-2 vaccine has saved innumerable lives ” but developing “next-generation” vaccines against mucosal respiratory viruses like flu, RSV and SARS-CoV-2 is a key challenge.
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2023-03-07 20:21:22
Capitol police chief confirms Carlson video selection is "misleading" [Link] [Link]
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2023-03-07 21:34:51
1. Not all Sweden, just this study 2. Although 84% reported persisting problems affecting everyday life at 24 months, there were "significant improvements the prevalence and magnitude of some symptoms/limitations compared with four months post-discharge." [Link]
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2023-03-07 21:42:21
The author implies that the government "deployed" the actual COVID variant whereas in fact "the former health secretary discussed when to reveal the existence of the Kent variant of Covid to ensure people complied with lockdown rules. [Link]
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2023-03-07 21:44:52
The article implies that the government "deployed" the actual COVID variant whereas in fact "the former health secretary discussed when to reveal the existence of the Kent variant of Covid to ensure people complied with lockdown rules. [Link]
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2023-08-25 02:19:26
It is not true that "Covid infections [are] no more serious than influenza and other respiratory viruses" COVID-19 is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States: "Number of deaths for leading causes of death: Heart disease: 695,547 Cancer: 605,213 COVID-19: 416,893" [Link]
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