User Enrollment: None Posted Notes:7
-NEEDS MORE RATINGS:7 Posted Ratings:787
Posted Notes
2024-05-26 03:19:39
Századvég is controlled by the Fidesz party, their approach is clearly political trying to control public opinion. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0)
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2024-06-02 12:03:49
Békemenet is not started by simple citizens. This is a pro-goverment event held for many years. Yes, funding is complex enough so it might not be prooven in a court that it is paid from tax payer money. It is a real event with real people - but far from being organic. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-0)
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2024-06-20 07:31:02
Hungary was not fined for not accepting migrants. But for not providing them with due process and the basic conditions of human dignity that are (still) part of EU law. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0)
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2024-06-27 01:09:05
Apeel is non-toxic. Apeel is mimicking something that exists in nature and considered safe by current standards. [Link][Link][Link] You should make your own choice as in history mankind determined many substances to be safe for use including radioactive soap. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-13) Related notes[2]
2024-06-28 04:24:50
NNN - This is clearly an opinion. I could say either of them win or loose and provide explanation for that. There is no hard truth in this case. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(39-3-58) Related notes[23]
2024-07-10 16:00:53
Péter Szijjártó plays the "peace" card while the media controlled by Fidesz party pushes the Russian propaganda that Ukraine is the responsible for the bombing of the hospital. Asking for "peace" while not calling out the clear aggression of Russia is in fact helping Russia. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0)
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2024-07-10 16:07:36
Orban is effectively helping out Putin by talking about peace, trying to dissolve and block help for Ukraine. He did not achieve anything tries to grab fame and power. [Link][Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-6) Related notes[2]