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2024-01-05 17:21:14
Claims linking the Democrat party and Hollywood to pedophilia lack evidence. Spreading unfounded allegations can cause harm and detract from the pursuit of justice for actual victims. [Link][Link][Link][Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-8) Related notes[3]
2024-01-06 02:23:04
Biden is correct about attending the funerals of the police officers who died as a result of January 6th. However, it is important to clarify that none of the officers died on the day of the insurrection, but in the days and months following it. [Link][Link]" target="_blank">[Link] [Link]" target="_blank">[Link] [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-1-12) Related notes[5]
2024-01-06 17:26:04
THIS IS A FABRICATED LIE David Upchurch has not said anything recently about Michelle Obama. The last time he spoke publicly about her was in 2009, when he described their high school romance and prom date. Michelle Obama is not a man, and she never was. [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(26-3-13) Related notes[2]
2024-02-01 18:47:33
This is MLK's "I have a dream" speech with an AI voiceover. this isn't a "Developing Story" nor a "New Footage" as stated in the post. This is a misleading and disrespectful attempt to manipulate the public and tarnish the legacy of MLK. Real Martin Luther King’s Speech: [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(14-2-14) Related notes[2]
2024-07-29 06:37:09
This tweet congratulates Maduro on a "fair" election, but Venezuela's elections since 1998 have been rife with fraud. Chávez and Maduro's regimes have manipulated votes and used coercion. International observers have condemned these elections as undemocratic Sources [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(40-1-24) Related notes[3]
2024-08-01 04:53:54
Petro dice apoyar al pueblo venezolano, pero se abstuvo de verificar el conteo de votos en la OEA, permitiendo a Maduro mantener el poder sin transparencia. La inacción habla más que las palabras. No nos engañemos con la retórica vacía, las acciones importan. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(27-3-42) Related notes[4]
2024-12-06 20:20:01
Claim: Cuban hospital showcases a model of healthcare that's warm, efficient, and accommodating. Reality: While tourists might receive high quality care, the general populace often faces a healthcare system marred by shortages, outdated equipment, and substandard conditions. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(34-3-65) Related notes[5]