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2023-11-03 16:50:21
[Link] The tiktoker is clearly reacting in jest. This article is being used to push a narrative that trans people are 1. Delusional 2. Emotionally overdramatic and 3. Want things catered to them at all times. If the article is meant to be satirical in nature it should be stated
Related notes[1]
2023-12-28 15:26:37
The clinic is 1 year old. The article states: "Abortions that late in pregnancy are rare and often sought because of health risks to the pregnant person or . . . fatal fetal diagnosis." Also, "with the end of [Roe] they had begun to see a rise in later abortions in the US" [Link]
Related notes[3]
2024-07-03 17:28:41
[Link] In response to the note saying a note isn't needed, it is. It's an opinion, but clearly aimed at pretending to be truthful. The use of the siren emoji (something many online use to signify breaking news) is meant to add a level of reputability to their words.
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