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Posted Notes
2024-07-31 03:22:10
NNN - The "National Lawyers Guild" is a progressive radical left biased organization with an agenda of supporting left-wing candidates or causes and is therefore not a reliable source of election fairness. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-1-7) Related notes[7]
2024-08-01 13:33:45
NNN - The boy is believed to born in Britain, but to Rwandan immigrants. This is important context as the conversation is that migrants increase crime and terrorism against the native population. Saying, 'he was born in Britain' is an attempt at hiding this important context. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-1) Related notes[4]
2024-08-03 05:37:36
NNN - The opinion of 'being British' is subjective. The author of the tweet is referring the white native british population (The English). In their opinion an immigrant could therefore never be british. This is simply their opinion about the concept of being british. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Related notes[3]